Wales Education Commission – Fourth report to the education community

The need to ensure a more consistent approach to professional learning of the education workforce has been highlighted in a new report by a guiding coalition of international experts. In its fourth report to the education community, the Wales Education Commission noted the wide variation in teachers’ development opportunities that exists across Wales. The Commission, which brings together…

Ymweliad astudio’n rhoi addysg Cymru ar fap y byd

Bu academyddion o’r Drindod Dewi Sant ar ymweliad ag Awstralia i ddysgu gan gydweithwyr a rhannu datblygiadau’n ymwneud â thaith diwygio addysg Cymru. Derbyniwyd papur gan staff o’r Athrofa Addysg a’r Dyniaethau yng nghynhadledd flynyddol Cymdeithas Ymchwil mewn Addysg Awstralia (AARE) – sy’n dod ag arbenigwyr addysg at ei gilydd o bob cwr o’r byd.…