Dog in class

Much more than man’s best friend…

Helen Lewis explores how the bond between a child and a dog may have benefits that impact on learning… Dispositions are ‘relatively enduring habits of mind and action’, linked to our attitudes and feelings. Dispositions affect how we view ourselves as learners and how confidently we tackle new learning situations. Whether we refer to these dispositions…

Teach Letters

New vision for initial teacher education in Wales

Yr Athrofa: Professional Learning Partnership has submitted three programmes of initial teacher education for accreditation with the Education Workforce Council (EWC). In doing so, the APLP has signaled its intention to be part of an exciting new ITE offer that takes into consideration a series of new education policies being rolled-out by the Welsh Government.…

Girl typing on laptop

Developing a new professionalism in education

Successful Futures has garnered plenty of attention since its inception in 2015. But its focus on entrepreneurial skills has been less well-documented. Alison Evans explains… One of the key purposes of the curriculum outlined in ‘Successful Futures’ is to ensure all learners will be ‘enterprising, creative contributors’ who are skilled in creative thinking, able to…