Kirsty Williams - Camera Lens

Yr Athrofa hosts Education Secretary keynote

Education Secretary Kirsty Williams will deliver a keynote address as part of the Athrofa Seminar Series. Yr Athrofa, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Institute of Education, in partnership with the Welsh Government, will host Ms Williams at Yr Athrofa in Cardiff’s Tramshed Tech, on Monday, April 23 at 6pm. Ms Williams will discuss her education agenda and plan…


A step forward for new national curriculum

A major research project informing a crucial aspect of Wales’ curriculum reform has presented its first findings. Developed in partnership by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) and the University of Glasgow, the CAMAU project seeks to develop a shared understanding of ‘progression’ in the context of Successful Futures. Professor Graham Donaldson’s wideranging…

Education Secretary Visit

Education Secretary Kirsty Williams visits Yr Athrofa

University of Wales Trinity Saint David was delighted to welcome Education Secretary Kirsty Williams to the university’s Yr Athrofa to inspire the next generation of classroom teachers. The Cabinet Secretary met student-teachers at the university’s Townhill campus and took part in a live question and answer session with students, staff and school-based colleagues. She was…

Kirsty Williams

Cabinet Secretary for Education inspires student-teachers

Cabinet Secretary Kirsty Williams has visited the next generation of classroom teachers at Yr Athrofa. After an inspirational presentation, during which she described teaching as ‘the best job in the world’, Ms Williams spent an hour answering questions from the university’s student-teachers. The event was designed to introduce future teachers to the Welsh Government’s ambitious education strategy, ‘Our…

Teach Letters

New vision for initial teacher education in Wales

Yr Athrofa: Professional Learning Partnership has submitted three programmes of initial teacher education for accreditation with the Education Workforce Council (EWC). In doing so, the APLP has signaled its intention to be part of an exciting new ITE offer that takes into consideration a series of new education policies being rolled-out by the Welsh Government.…

Teacher and Pupils

Teachers hail impact of professional development courses

Teachers interested in motivational professional development are being encouraged to sign up for two exciting professional learning opportunities. The Outstanding Teacher Programme (OTP) and the Improving Teacher Programme (ITP) are practical and interactive courses committed to taking professional development in education to a higher level. Both programmes have a strong track record of success in…