Croeso i ryngwyneb Sharepoint Partneriaeth Dysgu Proffesiynol yr Athrofa (PDPA).
Gwnaiff yr adran ddiogel hon ddarparu mynediad i gydweithwyr sydd wedi’u lleoli mewn ysgolion at ddeunyddiau sy’n ymwneud â lleoliadau darpar athrawon, yn ogystal â mynediad at y llwybr SAC.
Gallwch weld yr holl ddeunyddiau sy’n ymwneud â’ch llwybr SAC ar Moodle.
Gallwch weld eich ffeil PAP bersonol drwy glicio ar y ffolder Rhwydwaith isod.
Dylid cael at bob dolen drwy ddefnyddio eich enw defnyddiwr a’ch cyfrinair PCYDDS.
Staff ysgol-seiliedig
Dewiswch eich Rhwydwaith o’r rhestr isod os gwelwch yn dda er mwyn dod o hyd i wybodaeth sy’n berthnasol i’ch myfyrwyr PAP presennol.
Mae’n bosib y cewch eich annog i fewngofnodi. Dewiswch gyfrif mewngofnodi Microsoft eich ysgol. Yn y mwyafrif o achosion, eich cyfeiriad fydd hwn.
Gellir dod o hyd i bob dogfen berthnasol arall, gan gynnwys taflenni newyddion a thempledi adrodd, yn y ffolder ‘Dogfennau PDPA’.
Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School
Cowbridge Comprehensive School
Pembroke Dock Community School
St Thomas Community Primary School
Os cewch drafferthion yn cael mynediad at y dolenni uchod, e-bostiwch os gwelwch yn dda, gan ddweud yn glir pa ddolen yr oeddech yn ceisio cael mynediad ati, eich ysgol, a’r cyfrif yr oeddech yn ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer hynny.
Welcome to the Athrofa Professional Learning Partnership (APLP) Sharepoint interface.
This secure section will provide school-based colleagues with access to materials relating to prospective teacher placements, as well as access to QTS pathway materials.
You can view all materials relating to your QTS route on Moodle.
BA1 – BA2 – BA3 – PGCE
You can view your personal PTE file by clicking on the Network folder below.
All links should be accessed using your UWTSD username and password.
School-based staff
Please select your Network from the list below to find information relevant to your current PAP students.
You may be prompted to sign in. Select your school’s Microsoft login account. In most cases, it will be your address.
All other relevant documents, including newssheets and reporting templates, can be found in the ‘Documents’ folder
Bishop of Llandaff CiW High School
Cowbridge Comprehensive School
Pembroke Dock Community School
St Thomas Community Primary School
If you have trouble accessing the above links, please email, clearly stating which link you were trying to access, your school, and the account you were using for that.