Ymweliad astudio’n rhoi addysg Cymru ar fap y byd

Bu academyddion o’r Drindod Dewi Sant ar ymweliad ag Awstralia i ddysgu gan gydweithwyr a rhannu datblygiadau’n ymwneud â thaith diwygio addysg Cymru. Derbyniwyd papur gan staff o’r Athrofa Addysg a’r Dyniaethau yng nghynhadledd flynyddol Cymdeithas Ymchwil mewn Addysg Awstralia (AARE) – sy’n dod ag arbenigwyr addysg at ei gilydd o bob cwr o’r byd.…

Wales Education Commission – Fourth report to the education community

The need to ensure a more consistent approach to professional learning of the education workforce has been highlighted in a new report by a guiding coalition of international experts. In its fourth report to the education community, the Wales Education Commission noted the wide variation in teachers’ development opportunities that exists across Wales. The Commission, which brings together…

Wales Education Commission – Third report to the education community

Raising the profile of teaching has been highlighted as crucial to supporting recruitment and retention in Wales, in a new report by a guiding coalition of international experts. In its third report to the education community, the Wales Education Commission considered making teaching more attractive to graduates and school leavers essential. The Commission, which brings together educational thinkers…

Curriculum doyen inspires next generation of teachers

One of the leading figures in Welsh education was invited to the University of Wales Trinity Saint David to inspire the next generation of teachers. Education expert and author of the Welsh Government’s ‘Successful Futures’ report, Professor Graham Donaldson, gave the keynote address at UWTSD’s annual ‘Aiming for Excellence’ conference about his proposals for a…

Teacher perceptions impacting on ICT lessons

Teachers in Wales have contrasting perceptions of information communications technology (ICT) which impact on the way the subject is taught in schools, according to a new report. Researchers from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Cardiff Metropolitan University undertook teacher case studies in three different schools to unearth variation in both the perception…

Teacher perceptions impacting on ICT lessons

Teachers in Wales have contrasting perceptions of information communications technology (ICT) which impact on the way the subject is taught in schools, according to a new report. Researchers from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Cardiff Metropolitan University undertook teacher case studies in three different schools to unearth variation in both the perception…

New strategic partnership to strengthen teacher training and research capacity

The University of Wales Trinity Saint David has strengthened its teacher training and research development by signing a strategic partnership with one of the UK’s top-ranked education institutions. UWTSD’s Yr Athrofa – Institute of Education – is working closely with the University of Glasgow’s highly-rated School of Education to enhance its provision and help meet…

Trilingual music project hits the right notes

A pilot project which uses music to encourage language learning is being rolled out across primary schools in South and West Wales. The trilingual music project, Listening to Language/ Cerdd Iaith, seeks to address the decline of language learning in Wales. Led by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, BBC National Orchestra of Wales,…