Online learning – why aren’t students engaging?

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our education system has been profound and we’re all adapting to new ways of working. Here, Linda Kelly explores the extent to which college students have engaged in online learning…. My current intake of students were mostly born after the year 2000. They are the digital generation. They…

Athrofa and partner schools thinking global ahead of international conference

A collaborative research project involving the Athrofa: Centre for Education and partner schools is helping to develop understanding of global competency and citizenship across Europe. Think Global, an Erasmus project designed to foster global competence in schools, brings together seven organisations, including schools, local authorities and universities, from Catalonia, Belgium, and Wales. The aim is…

Smiley faces and thumbs-up: Teacher Education’s response to the work of PGCE student reps in the pandemic

Before the moment is lost, staff and student-teachers from the Athrofa: Centre for Teacher Education capture a positive development in practice… Imagine being a student-teacher in a global pandemic.  Whatever was expected about life on an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme has well and truly been re-imagined and re-invented – sometimes with very little notice…

Ymweliad astudio’n rhoi addysg Cymru ar fap y byd

Bu academyddion o’r Drindod Dewi Sant ar ymweliad ag Awstralia i ddysgu gan gydweithwyr a rhannu datblygiadau’n ymwneud â thaith diwygio addysg Cymru. Derbyniwyd papur gan staff o’r Athrofa Addysg a’r Dyniaethau yng nghynhadledd flynyddol Cymdeithas Ymchwil mewn Addysg Awstralia (AARE) – sy’n dod ag arbenigwyr addysg at ei gilydd o bob cwr o’r byd.…

Wales Education Commission – Fourth report to the education community

The need to ensure a more consistent approach to professional learning of the education workforce has been highlighted in a new report by a guiding coalition of international experts. In its fourth report to the education community, the Wales Education Commission noted the wide variation in teachers’ development opportunities that exists across Wales. The Commission, which brings together…

Wales Education Commission – Third report to the education community

Raising the profile of teaching has been highlighted as crucial to supporting recruitment and retention in Wales, in a new report by a guiding coalition of international experts. In its third report to the education community, the Wales Education Commission considered making teaching more attractive to graduates and school leavers essential. The Commission, which brings together educational thinkers…

Curriculum doyen inspires next generation of teachers

One of the leading figures in Welsh education was invited to the University of Wales Trinity Saint David to inspire the next generation of teachers. Education expert and author of the Welsh Government’s ‘Successful Futures’ report, Professor Graham Donaldson, gave the keynote address at UWTSD’s annual ‘Aiming for Excellence’ conference about his proposals for a…